With the number of people looking for homes for sale in Montana, we are never surprised to get questions about legalities, locations, companies, and paperwork. Montana isn’t known for being the most up-to-date place to live in, and a lot of people have trouble finding answers, let alone getting a callback…
…we see you over there rolling your eyes! Don’t get frustrated, we all have the same problem…
Montanans like the outdoors, along with a steadier and more laid-back sense of living. It’s kind of like Europe, except you disappear into the mountains where no one will hear from you for days. That being said, a lot of people don’t have their fancy smartwatches and computers with them at all times, and a lot will do business at the bar over a handshake. Because of this, you may find yourself struggling to get a hold of businesses and agents. Why? We prefer to be outside when the weather is nice, without our phones, and a lot of people may even still only have a landline. You may not get service half the time on a mobile anyways!
While this old-school way of life is rather touching and has its own romanticized draw, it can be extremely frustrating for you, as a person trying to sell, look at, or view homes for sale in Montana. Even when you do get a hold of someone to view a place, or find yourself a potential buyer, not all agents will be as available as you need them to be, and a lot of them will tell you during hunting and skiing season that it just isn’t going to happen.
That is why you want to move here though right? To enjoy the outdoors and the sanctity of nature as much as the locals? Instead of getting frustrated, embrace it, there are other solutions, even though they may not be what you were expecting.
Three Online Resources to Sell or Buy Your Home in Montana
If you are having trouble with the ins and outs of legalities, or simply are confused about where to start when it comes to buying and selling homes in Montana, there are a lot of DIY solutions out there.
NOLO - Our First Comprehensive Pick
As one of the first publishers of legal books back in the 70s, like “How to File for Divorce in California,” this company wasted no time when the internet came out in getting their resources online. Starting out as multiple different sites offering books and information resources, it combined everything into one to cover everything from trusts to disabilities and anything in between. They strive to be the biggest online resource across all 50 states, for consumer legal advice, DIY products, attorneys, and articles. They even offer ebooks and documents for doing everything from a living trust to creating an LLC.
All in all, NOLO is a great site that we recommend for finding yourself some quick and simple answers to real estate, as well as for facing the more important questions and office stuff. While the majority of the content is free, there are DIY materials and books for sale as well. Though not specifically Montana-oriented, the materials are comprehensive enough to cover most bases when it comes to buying and selling. Power of Attorney documents are available, as well as Home Buying Kits, Home Repair Agreements, and more.
If you have any questions, it also offers a list of attorneys and lawyers to call so you can get quick answers to your questions.
EForms - Everything Taken Care of, Best for Those Dealing in Bulk Numbers
Another great option for DIY real estate, reforms are quick and simple to get all your documents together and done within minutes. Though they don’t offer resources as NOLO does, their documents and materials are easy to use and right to the point.
For real estate, eForms offers state-specific documents such as this Montana Residential Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement Or this Standard Residential Lease Agreement. Though not free, they do have a 7-day free trial and offer a monthly and annual subscription, as well as a one-time document fee. This is a site perfect for people needing a one-time document done or for agents and managers looking to use a large number of documents for purchases, sales, rentals, management, and more.
US Legal Forms - Every Form Necessary for a Low Fee
US Legal Forms is the last resource we are going to recommend, though there are a million more out there, with a long list of legal forms available for every state. These guys have everything from real estate to business-related papers available for a monthly price based on your tier level. eSigning is available too, along with document management and completion services within the Premium features.
Both eForms and US Legal Forms are great resources for US legal and real estate documents, though it helps to look over them first and contact someone through something like NOLO to make sure you know what type of documents you will need. Organized by the state level, some states have more resources than others depending on the site, look through first to determine which may be your better option.
We realize to some this isn’t how you expected your home purchase to go, that’s why you get an agent right? But you’ll have to admit, doing some DIY work can save you some money, and it is better than waiting for the hunting season to be over!